

Department of Zoology

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

PH.D viva-voce examination of Ms. Surbhi Kaushal will be held on 06.10.2020 at 11.00 a.m. by online mode through Cisco WebEx

TThe viva-voce examination of Ms. Surbhi Kaushal on the subject matter of her Ph.D. thesis entitled “TARGETING ARSENIC INDUCED METABOLIC DISTURBANCES AND GENOTOXICITY : ITS MITIGATION BY EPIGALLOCATECHIN GALLATE (EGCG) TO PREVENT MALIGNANT TRANSFORMATION” will be held on 06.10.2020 at 11.00 a.m. in the seminar room of this department by online mode through Cisco WebEx. 

Click here to view: PH.D viva-voce examination of Ms. Surbhi Kaushal will be held on 06.10.2020 at 11.00 a.m. by online mode through Cisco WebEx

  Dated: 18/09/2020
1. 30/01/2025Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Mewa Singh scheduled on February 6, 2024 at 10:30 AM in the Department of Zoology, PU, Chandigarh
2. 24/01/2025Viva-voce examination of Ms. Preeti Kumari
3. 13/01/2025Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Anju Kumari will be held on January 20, 2025 at 12 noon in Alumni conference hall of the department
4. 03/01/2025Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Chhomo Thayes will be held on January 8, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. by online mode
5. 23/12/2024Applications are invited for Ph.D. admission against vacant seats alongwith supervisor-wise vacant seats slots for January, 2025
6. 19/12/2024Regarding fee concession forms for the session 2024-25.
7. 19/12/2024Award of Two Scholarship of the Panjab University Soldier's Relief Fund for the session 2024-25.
8. 19/12/2024Milkhi Ram Sharma Memorial Scholarship for the academic session 2024-25.
9. 19/12/2024Award of "Mrs Udham Kaur Menon Education Scholarships" for the year 2024-25.
10. 19/12/2024Mrs. & Dr. V. S. Puri Scholarship for the year 2024-25.
11. 19/12/2024Award of Late Sh Pritam Nath & Mrs. Ram Piari Scholarship for the year 2024-25.
12. 19/12/2024Award of '25' Late Dewan Som Nath Scholarship & '10' Late Radha Krishan Prem Kaur Stipends for the session 2024-25..
13. 13/11/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Sidharth will be held on November 25, 2024 at 11:30 a.m.
14. 06/11/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Susheel Kumar will be held on November 18, 2024 at 12 noon
15. 04/10/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Reena Tomer will be held on October 15, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. in seminar room of the department
16. 11/09/2024Applications are invited for Ph.D. admission against vacant seats alongwith supervisor-wise vacant seats slots for September, 2024
17. 27/08/2024Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Scheduled Caste for admission to M.Sc. 1st year for the session 2024-25.
18. 27/08/2024Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under General for admission to M.Sc. 1st year for the session 2024-25.
19. 22/08/2024Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under General Category for admission to M.Sc. 1st year for the session 2024-25.
20. 21/08/2024Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under General Category for admission to M.Sc. 1st year for the session 2024-25.
21. 20/08/2024Hostel Seats for M.Sc. 1st Year Zoology for the session 2024-25
22. 19/08/2024Notice regarding M.Sc. (Zoology) 1st Semester Classes - 2024-25
23. 19/08/2024Provisional admission list of selected candidates and waiting list for admission to M.Sc. (Zoology) 1st Semester under the framework of Hons. School system for the session 2024-25.
24. 07/08/2024Provisional merit list for the admission to M.Sc.–Zoology 1st year under the framework of Honours School System for the session 2024-25.
25. 02/08/2024Advertisement Notice for the post of Guest Faculty (01) for the academic session 2024-2025
26. 31/07/2024Special chance for B.Sc.& M.Sc. (Hons. School) Odd Semester 1st, 3rd & 5th .
27. 30/07/2024Counselling Schedule : M.Sc. 1st Year in Zoology under the Framework of Hons. School System (2024-25)
28. 26/07/2024Ph.D. viva-voce examination of Mr. Puneet Bhardwaj will be held on 05.08.2024 at 11.30 a.m.
29. 09/07/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Ms. Deepti Chaudhary will be held on 12.07.2024 at 11:30 a.m.
30. 21/06/2024Ph.D. Viva voce of Ms. Anuradha Sharma will be held on 24.06.2024 at 9.30 a.m. through on line mode.
31. 29/05/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Ms. Anjali Rana will be held on 31.05.2024 at 11:30 a.m. through Online mode
32. 28/05/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Ms. Anuragini will be held on 06.06.2024 at 11:30 a.m.
33. 20/05/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Ms. Sweety will be held on 29.05.2024 at 11:00 a.m.
34. 09/05/2024Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Ms. Kharoon Nissa will be held on 17.05.2024 at 11:00 a.m.
35. 03/05/2024Supervisor wise vacant seats slot May 2024
36. 03/05/2024Notice of vacant seats of Ph.D. slot May 2024
37. 03/05/2024Interview for the post of JRF under Ministry of Science & Technology, DBT sponsored Research Project iinterview on Monday, May 6, 2024 at 10:30 a.m
38. 01/05/2024PLACEMENT BROCHURE 2023-2024
39. 16/04/2024Poster (Department of Zoology) 2024
40. 08/04/2024Advertisement for the post(01) of JRF under research project
41. 26/03/2024Prof. G. P. Sharma Memorial Lecture on March 27, 2024 at 10:30 AM
42. 04/03/2024Ph. D viva-voce examination of Ms. Uma Kumari will be held on 14.03.2024 at 1.15 p.m
43. 12/01/2024Applications are invited for 11 vacant seats of Ph.D. in Zoology for January, 2024
44. 26/12/2023Award for late Sh. Pritam Nath & Mrs. Ram Piari Scholarship
45. 26/12/2023Award of Pu Soldiers's relief fund
46. 26/12/2023Award for 25 late Dewan Som Nath Scholarship
47. 26/12/2023Milkhi Ram Sharma Memorial Scholarship
48. 26/12/2023Mrs. & Dr. V.S. Puri Scholarship
49. 15/11/2023Expert Talk by Dr. Allon M. Klein on Single Cell Genomics: New Tools in Stem Cell and Developmental Biology on November 16, 2023 at 11:00 in Prof. G.P. Sharma Auditorium, Department of Zoology
50. 10/11/2023Advertisement for the post of JRF under DBT Project
51. 19/10/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Ms. Phuntsog Dolma will be held on 26.10.2023 at 11:30 a.m.
52. 05/10/2023Revised Notice Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Mr. Ahmad Ali is now rescheduled to be held on 06.10.2023 at 3:30 p.m. through Online Mode
53. 03/10/2023Revised Notice Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Mr. Ahmad Ali will be held on 06.10.2023 at 12:00 noon through Online Mode
54. 28/09/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Mr. Ahmad Ali will be held on 06.10.2023 at 12:00 noon
55. 27/09/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Mr. Harender Kumar will be held on 09.10.2023 at 11:00 a.m.
56. 27/09/2023Provisionally selected candidates list for admission to Ph.D. in Zoology
57. 11/09/2023Ph.D. Interview on Thursday, 14.09.2023 at 10:00 a.m.
58. 28/08/2023Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under General Category for admission to M.Sc. 1st year for the session 2023-24
59. 22/08/2023Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Defence Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2023-24
60. 22/08/2023Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Scheduled Caste category for admission to M.Sc. 1st year for the session 2023-24
61. 22/08/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Mr. Ramkesh Dalal will be held on 25.08.2023 at 11:30 a.m.
62. 21/08/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Ms. Khushboo Rana will be held on 28.08.2023 at 11:30 a.m.
63. 17/08/2023Selected candidates from waiting list of OGC category for the admission of M.Sc. Zoology 1st year 2023-24.
64. 16/08/2023Revised Notice: Applications are invited for the vacant seats of Ph.D. in Zoology
65. 16/08/2023Postponement of Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Ramkesh Dalal
66. 14/08/2023Hostel Seats for M.Sc. 1st Year Zoology for the session 2023-24
67. 11/08/2023Notice for commencement of classes for M.SC 1st year Zoology for the session 2023-24
68. 11/08/2023Provisional admission list of selected candidates and waiting list for admission to M.Sc.1st year Zoology under the framework of Hons. School system for the session 2023-24.
69. 03/08/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Mr. Ramkesh Dalal will be held on 17.08.2023 at 11:00 a.m.
70. 03/08/2023Provisional merit list for admission to M.Sc. 1st year Zoology under the framework of Hons. School system for the session 2023-24
71. 26/07/2023Counselling Schedule : M.Sc. 1st Year in Zoology under the Framework of Hons. School System(2023-24)
72. 19/07/2023Applications are invited for the vacant seats of Ph.D. in the Department of Zoology
73. 12/06/2023QUOTATION FOR “Antibodies” due on 26.06.2023.
74. 12/06/2023Ph.D. viva-voce examination of Ms. Rajwinder Kaur will be held on Friday, 16.06.2023 at 12:00 p.m
75. 18/05/2023Contact No. of Faculty members and staff for queries related to UG and PG Admissions
76. 12/05/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Nain Singh Dhiman will be held on 15.05.2023 at 2:00 p.m. by online mode
77. 04/05/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Anupika Sood will be held on 10.05.2023 at 12:30 p.m.
78. 21/03/2023The viva-voce test of Mr. Basharat Ali will be held on 27.03.2023 at 11.30 a.m.
79. 01/03/20233 days Skill Development Workshop under RUSA on "Increasing need for Honey Bee Keeping as a Self -Employment Opportunity from March 14-16, 2023
80. 16/02/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Maansi will be held on 03.03.2023 at 11:00 a.m. by online mode
81. 15/02/2023Last date Extended for submission of Applications for One day Training programme on Myxozoan Parasites on 24.02.2023
82. 13/02/2023Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Vincy will be held on 27.02.2023 at 11:30 a.m.
84. 04/01/2023Award of '25' Late Dewan Som Nath Scholarship @400 & '10' Late Radha Krishan Prem Kaur Stipends 150- p.m.
85. 04/01/2023Mrs. & Dr. V. S. Puri Scholarship @ 200- p.m. for 10 months
86. 04/01/2023Milkhi Ram Sharma Memorial Scholarship @ 250- p.m. for 10 months
87. 04/01/2023Award of Late Sh Pritam Nath & Mrs. Ram Piari Scholarship @ 500- p.m. each for 10 months
88. 04/01/2023Awared of mrs udham kaur menon scholarship
89. 04/01/2023Award of Two Scholarship @ 400- p.m. each for 10 months out of the Panjab University Soldier's Relief Fund.
90. 04/01/2023Scholarship for need based Assistance
91. 23/11/2022Advertisement for Guest Faculty -WALK IN INTERVIEW on 30.11.2022 at 11.30 a.m.
92. 22/11/2022The viva-voce test of Ms. Era Seth will be held on 01.12.2022 at 11.30 a.m.
93. 15/10/2022Zoology Alumni Meet- 2022 on Saturday, 5th November, 2022
94. 13/10/2022Advertisement for the post of 2 SRF's and One Project Assistant under CCRH project
95. 28/09/2022Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seats under General Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2022-23
96. 27/09/2022Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Scheduled Caste and Defence Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2022-23
97. 22/09/2022Provisional admission list of selected candidates and waiting list for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) Zoology for the session 2022-23
98. 15/09/2022Counseling/Interview Schedule : M.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology 1st year 2022-23
99. 14/09/2022Ph.D viva-voce examination of Mr. Varun Gorki will be held on 19.09.2022 at 11.00 a.m. by online mode
100. 09/09/2022Inviting of Application for the Award of Pre-Matric, Post Matric and Top Class Eduction Scholarship for students with disabilities for the year 2022-23.
101. 09/09/2022Requirement of Residence and Income proof under Post Matric Scholarship Scheme during session 2022-23.
102. 09/09/2022Inviting application for the Award Pre-Matric, Post Matric and Merit-Cum Means Scholarship to Minority Students for the year 2022-23.
103. 09/09/2022Post Matric Scholarship Schemes to SC. BC,EBC & Transgender for the year 2022-23.
104. 08/09/2022Activity Report of Teacher's Day Celebrations on 05.09.2022
105. 24/08/2022Ph.D viva-voce examination of Mr. Deepak Kumar Goyal will be held on 02.09.2022 at 12.30 p.m. by online mode
106. 10/08/2022Scholarship for Minority Community PreMatric, Post Matric and Merit-cum-Means year 2022-23
107. 05/08/2022L.R.Mundra Memorial Scholarship for the year 2022-23
108. 03/08/2022Circular regarding scholarship schemes under National Scholarship Portal for the year 2022-23
109. 03/08/2022Regarding the three Scholarship scholarship Schemes for Minority Communities for the year 2022-23 under National Scholarship Portal
110. 15/07/2022Regarding opening of portal (SC) Dr. Ambedkar Scholarship for session 2022-23 .
111. 15/07/2022Regarding Post Matric Scholarship Scheme 2022-23
112. 15/07/2022Regarding the inviting the application for the award of Post Matric Scholarships to the scheduled caste students for the year 2022-23
113. 18/05/2022Applications submission under “Earn while one Learns Scheme ”date extended up to 23-05-2022 by 4:00 P.M.
114. 13/05/2022Attendance of B.Sc. 2nd Semester for the month of April, 2022.
115. 13/05/2022Attendance of B.Sc. 4th Semester for the month of April, 2022.
116. 13/05/2022Attendance of B.Sc. 6th Semester for the month of April, 2022.
117. 13/05/2022Attendance of M.Sc. 2nd Semester for the month of April, 2022.
118. 13/05/2022Attendance of M.Sc. 4th Semester for the month of April, 2022.
119. 11/05/2022Applications invited from Research Scholars/students under Earn while one Learns Scheme last date 17.05.2022
120. 25/04/2022Ph.D viva-voce examination of Ms. Bandu Matiyalwill be held on 29.04.2022 at 12.00 noon in the seminar room of this department
121. 06/04/2022Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Poonam Keshav will be held on 13.04.2022 at 11:00 a.m.
122. 11/03/2022Training Programme on Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques under STUTI program from 21-27 March, 2022
123. 04/02/2022Ph.D. viva voice of Ms. Sunaina Jaswal will be held on 10.02.2022 at 12.30 P.M. by online mode.
124. 17/01/2022DISTINGUISHED LECTURE by Dr. B.P. Mishra 18 JAN | 11:30 AM
125. 21/12/2021Ph.D viva-voce examination of Mr. Naveed Pervaiz will be held on 27.12.2021 at 02.00 p.m. by online mode
126. 21/12/2021Ph.D viva-voce examination of Ms. Varsha Sharma will be held on 27.12.2021 at 11.00 a.m. by online mode
127. 18/11/2021Advertisement for Appointment of Guest Faculty for the session 2021-22
128. 21/10/2021Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Scheduled tribe Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2021-22
129. 12/10/2021Ph.D. viva-voce of Ms. Aashna Sharma will be held on 18.10.2021 at 11.30 a.m. by online mode
130. 30/09/2021Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under BC Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2021-22
131. 29/09/2021Provisionally selected candidate under Pwd Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2021-22
132. 23/09/2021Provisional admission list of selected candidates from waiting list against vacant seats for admission to M.Sc. (Hons ) 1st Semester –Zoology for the session 2021-22
133. 20/09/2021 M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester classes start from 23-09-2021
134. 20/09/2021Provisional admission list of selected candidates and waiting list for admission to MSc Hons School Zoology
135. 24/08/202175th Independence Day Celebrations
136. 10/08/2021Distinguished Lecture on Title "Small Stories Big Impacts: DNA in life sciences research" on 11.08.2021 from 10:30 a.m. onwards
137. 28/07/2021About the Zoology Department
138. 15/07/2021Ph.D viva-voce examination of Mr. Aitizaz Ul Ahsan will be held on 19.07.2021 at 11.00 a.m.
139. 24/04/2021Virtual Demonstration and Lecture on Real-time quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR): Concept & Application in COVID testing on 26.04.2021 at 4:00 p.m.
140. 16/04/2021Rescheduled Ph.d. Viva Voce of Mr. Devender Singh, now it will be held on Monday, 19.04.2021 at 12:00 noon in seminar room of the department
141. 12/04/2021Advertisement for the post of JRF/Project Associate-I under the SERB DST project
142. 31/03/2021Ph.d. Viva Voce of Mr. Devender Singh will be held on Monday, 19.04.2021 at 2:00 p.m. in seminar room of the department
143. 17/03/2021Invitation- Webinar on "Translational Animal Experimentation" on 19th March, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. onwards
144. 02/03/2021Result of Ph.D. Admission 2021
145. 02/03/2021The Ph.D viva-voce examination of Mr. Devender Singh will be held on 09.03.2021 at 2.00 p.m. in the seminar room of this department.
146. 22/02/2021Advertisement for the post of JRF under SERB DST Project
147. 20/02/2021National Science Day 2021 on the theme "Innovation in Science and Technology: Impact on Society” on Sunday, 28th February, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. onwards.
148. 15/02/2021Activity Report: Reminisce 2021: Zoology Alumni Meet on 21st January, 2021
149. 05/02/2021Attendance of M.Sc. 3rd Sem. for the month of January 2021.
150. 05/02/2021Attendance of M.Sc. 1st Sem. for the month of January, 2021.
151. 05/02/2021Attendance of B.Sc. 5th Sem. for the month of January, 2021.
152. 05/02/2021Attendance of B.Sc. 3rd Sem. for the month of January, 2021.
153. 05/02/2021Attendance of B.Sc. 1st Sem. for the month of January, 2021.
154. 19/01/2021Ph.D viva-voce examination of Mr. Devender Singh will be held on 27.01.2021 at 11.00 a.m.
155. 18/01/2021REMINISCE 2021- Zoology Department Alumni Meet on 21st January, 2021
156. 08/01/2021Attendance of M.Sc. 3rd Sem. for the month of December, 2020.
157. 08/01/2021Attendance of M.Sc. 1st Sem. for the month of December, 2020.
158. 08/01/2021Attendance of B.Sc. 5th Sem for the month of December, 2020.
159. 08/01/2021Attendance of B.Sc. 3rd Sem. for the month of December, 2020.
160. 08/01/2021Attendance of B.Sc. 1st Sem. for the month of December, 2020.
161. 16/12/2020CHASCON 2020 Scientific Session: Life Sciences (Schedule Details for 18th December 2020) via virtual meet
162. 07/12/2020Attendance of B.Sc. 1st Sem. for the month of November, 2020.
163. 07/12/2020Attendance of M.Sc. 1st Sem. for the month of November, 2020.
164. 07/12/2020Attendance of M.Sc. 3rd Sem. for the month of November, 2020.
165. 07/12/2020Attendance of B.Sc. 3rd Sem. for the month of November, 2020.
166. 07/12/2020Attendance of B.Sc. 5th Sem. for the month of November, 2020.
167. 07/12/2020Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Backward Class for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2020-21
168. 04/12/2020Ph.D. viva-voce examination of Ms. Priti Kumari will be held on 11.12.2020 at 12.15 pm by Online mode
169. 26/11/2020Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Rural Area Student Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2020-21
170. 26/11/2020Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Scheduled caste Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2020-21
171. 25/11/2020TALK ON: A JOURNEY FROM GENETICS TO GENOMICS on 26.11.2020 at 11:00 a.m.
172. 19/11/2020Provisionally selected candidate from waiting list against vacant seat under Sports Category for admission to M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st year for the session 2020-21
173. 19/11/2020Provisional admission list of selected candidates from waiting list against vacant seats for admission to M.Sc. (Hons ) 1st Semester –Zoology for the session 2020-21
174. 17/11/2020Provisional admission and waiting list of Sports and Pwd Category for the admission to M.Sc. (Hons ) 1st Semester –Zoology for the session 2020-21
175. 17/11/2020Revised waiting listof RAS Category for admission to M.Sc. (Hons ) 1st Semester –Zoology for the session 2020-21
176. 16/11/2020Provisional admission list of selected candidates from waiting list against vacant seats for admission to M.Sc. (Hons ) 1st Semester –Zoology for the session 2020-21
177. 12/11/2020Attendance of M.Sc. 3rd Sem for the month of October, 2020.
178. 12/11/2020Attendance of B.Sc. 5th Sem for the month of October, 2020.
179. 12/11/2020Provisional admission list of selected candidates and waiting list for admission to M.Sc. (Hons ) 1st Semester –Zoology for the session 2020-21
180. 11/11/2020Activity Report : National webinar on “Envisioning the Future of Science Education from NEP-2020” on 29th October, 2020
182. 24/10/2020Invitation- National Webinar on "Envisioning the Future of Science Education from NEP-2020"on 29th October, 2020 at 11:30 a.m.
183. 10/09/2020Activity Report of Webinar 08.09.2020
184. 09/09/2020Regarding whatsapp no. and email id of newly admitted B.Sc. (Hons.) first semester students.
185. 03/09/2020“Prospects of National Education Policy-2020 in Higher Education”
186. 08/07/2020Vacant post of Jr. Tech Gr III under Clause 2.5
187. 19/06/2020Webinar 1.6.2020
188. 19/06/2020Webinar 05.06.2020
189. 19/06/2020Webinar 30.5.2020
190. 19/06/2020Ph.D. Viva-voce examination of Ms. Ritu Sharma will be held on 02.07.2020 at 11.30 a.m. by online mode through Cisco WebEx.
191. 15/06/2020Ph.D. viva -voce of Ms. Divya Sharma
192. 11/06/2020Result of Webinar held on 5.6.2020
193. 17/02/2020 National Workshop on Basic and Applied Techniques in Life Sciences
194. 17/02/2020G.P. Sharma Oration Award Ceremony
195. 17/02/2020Invitation-7 Days National Workshop on ‘Basic and Applied Techniques in Life Sciences’ from February 18 to 25, 2020
196. 07/02/2020 Lecture on Flow Cytometry February 3, 2020 by the delegates of INDO-US workshop going on in the Department of Biotechnology, Panjab University
197. 07/02/2020An excursion visit of class B.Sc. 6th semester (Hons.) to Developmental Genetics Laboratory , IISER, Mohali on 15-01-2020
198. 07/02/2020two day workshop on Personality Development and Communications Skills (January 30 and 31, 2020
199. 21/01/2020National Workshop on Basic and Applied Techniques in Life Sciences February 18 to 25 , 2020
201. 04/12/2019The celebration of 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak dev ji on 07-11-19
202. 03/12/2019Training and Placement Officer of Department of Zoology organized a sensitizing session(August 9, 2019
203. 03/12/20193 DAY Induction cum Orientation program on 5 -7 August 2019
204. 03/12/2019Educational tour of class BSc II (3rd semester) to Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park, Chhatbir (Zirakpur) on 01-11-19
205. 03/12/2019Education trip to Sukhna Wildlife sanctuary and the Nature Interpretation Centre on 23 Oct 2019
206. 03/12/2019Educational Tour Jim Corbett National park 18-24 October 2019
207. 05/11/2019Celebration of 550th BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF GURU NANAK DEV JI
208. 28/06/2019Distinguished Alumni of Department of Zoology
209. 28/06/2019Aboout Zoology Department
210. 27/05/2019Summary of UGC MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT of Prof . V.L. Sharma
211. 29/04/2019Equipment available with Principal Investigators
212. 10/09/2018Notice for Ph.d. Research Proposal
213. 07/04/2016Circular - Right to Information Act, 2005
214. 07/04/2016Memorandum of Understanding
215. 07/04/2016DEPARTMENTAL IQAC

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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